Outsourcing is the buzz word in the world of business today. Outsourcing is simply a formal agreement with a third party to perform a service for an organization. Outsourcing is not merely the contract with a third party to perform a service but it also involves surrendering a significant portion of management control and decision making to the external supplier. It is a statement of fact that a great many internet marketers would be glad to transfer or share decision making that will result in there profit/success. Majority of internet marketers are hadly knowledgeable in the technical aspects of online business! Juxtaposed with outsourcing, many web hosting services only offer the tools and no more. Think OUTSOURCING before you choose a web hosting service.
A very attractive advantage of Outsourcing is that it saves money in terms of lowering costs. Take web hosting for instance, apart of the 'normal' features that come with web hosting, you'll in most cases have to acquire other tools or software to make the web hosting bring business (traffic) to your website which means more cost and your costs keep arising with every tool/software bought in parts. Have you noticed with many web hosting that you have to buy everything piecemeal, take it away and put the puzzle together yourself? Real outsourcing reduces cost! It should mean that web hosts become not just a parts shop but a platform from where you can rise to heights of your dream! A very experienced internet marketer recently enthused that, ‘if you aim to make good money online you must learn to outsource’
In choosing a web host, an aspect of outsourcing that would benefit you is its advantage in improving quality. It improves quality because you are transferring a task in which you are not an expert to a service or person who is an expert. Are you thinking what I am thinking? You can only benefit from a web host that serves you as an all inclusive platform and partner.
In choosing your web host the last benefit of outsourcing that we would discuss is that it frees up resources for other activities such as focusing on competencies! The obvious poser here is, ‘how much is your time worth? Your web host should serve you enough to allow you more time to concentrate on building your business and competitiveness. This does mean you don’t have to pull your hair out any more on the technical aspects of building your website and making it visible on the internet
To conclude, a vital definition and practice of outsourcing is shared decision making. This means the company or person paid to perform a service is a vital link in the larger objective of success and profitability. Your web host should be sufficiently involved in your objective of profit and success. Successful and more attractive web hosts today are involved in sharing your brainstorming sessions and website optimization. I guess this means you should shy away from the 'parts sellers'!